HEMOSEALER model HS-03 is the high
frequency tube sealer designed to seal
blood bag tubing easily, quickly & safely.
With its powerful high frequency generator,
HS-03 is suitable not only for routine
procedures at donation rooms, but also for
the repeated operations at processing rooms
without overheating.
BENCH UNIT AND HANDLE UNIT The Power Unit of HS-03 can accept either
the Bench Unit, which enables touch-actuated automatic sealing, or the Handle
Unit, which has the excellent mobility to
reach the sealing part. Both units are with
1.9-meter cable. The sealing electrodes are
safely housed and easily accessible for
routine cleanings.
The microprocessor in the Power Unit checks the tubing
surface in order to avoid sparks leading to blood
leakage. The safe sealing procedure makes 3mm wide
seal with perforation, which makes it easier to pull the
tubes apart.